BFA Church was in its final stages of rebuilding and wanted a new, modern logo with a look and color scheme that represented its location on the water and purpose of the church. This was achieved with a subtle wave, an
appealing blue color, and the shape
of a circle that implies faith in an
eternal life after one on Earth.

BFA Church was in its final stages of rebuilding and wanted a new, modern logo with a look and color scheme that represented its location on the water and purpose of the church. This was achieved with a subtle wave, an
appealing blue color, and the shape
of a circle that implies faith in an
eternal life after one on Earth.

The intention behind this design was
to create an icon that women reliving their '80s prom could identify with and get excited about. The neon colors
and accessories like the retro glasses and sweatband along with the motto
"Girls just Wanna Have Fun" from the
popular '80s pop song helped do this, while the sleek black hairstyle added
a modern touch.

It's no secret that Chick-fil-A
has an incredible marketing
team that knows how to draw
in customers. I was given the
chance to draw in Chick-fil-A employees with posters
designed to make them reflect
on the responsibilities and
accomplishments that come
with being part of a team at
the successful restaurant chain.